Hey there! My name is Jessica Hamm. I grew up in Northern Wisconsin, not far from the shores of Lake Superior, and moved to Madison, Wis. after high school to attend the University of Wisconsin and pursue a double major in English and Journalism with an emphasis on strategic communication. I stuck around after college and eventually set roots in Madison with my partner, Dave. In 2017, we purchased our first home: a 1920s house that’s in need of some TLC, restoration, and a good eye to bring it back to its former glory. By day, I’m an events manager with over 15 years of professional experience in event management and operational support.
I started Bedknobs & Baubles as a way to share my passion for personal style and travel with like-minded people. Since then — and with the purchase of the aforementioned house — the blog has expanded to include home-related content. It makes the riff on Disney’s Bedknobs & Broomsticks feel even more appropriate for its dual focus — even if I fell victim to the blog-era’s early years of adding an ampersand to a “This & That” title.
Please feel free to reach out to say hi either on social media (the links are in the sidebar) or email at jessica@bedknobsandbaubles.com. If you’re interested in a collaboration, email is definitely the best way to reach me so we can chat!
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