Above: I finally saw the Northern lights for the first time!
Declassified army photos from the ’70s and ’80s that look like they could be plucked from high fashion today. (Just scroll down to the section with the hats and ear coverings!)
There’s still time to order Halloween decorations.
Loving the tile work in this home.
An ode to Wisconsin’s favorite cocktail.
United is expanding its international routes to cities that are typically more difficult to travel to.
My most recent purchases. (I’ve been living in that grey sweater!)
Plus, a roundup of covetable finds.
I saw these tin star ornaments on the Schoolhouse site last week, and I’m pretty sure they’re sourced from this Canadian factory. They’re cheaper on the Pietersma Tinworks site, even after shipping fees. You can also find the tin icicle ornaments that Schoolhouse also carries. They’re wonderful for filling in gaps on the Christmas tree and reflecting light.
Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. If you’re cooking a turkey, here are 12 recipes to consider.
Investigating Italian Renaissance paintings to rediscover long-forgotten fruit.
A list of perennials you should cut back in the fall.
Enjoy your week!
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