My favorite thing about D.C. (aside from the history, of course), is that there’s no shortage of amazing places to take photos. This stunning building was actually an apartment complex across the street from our hotel — and looks nothing like the buildings here in Madison! We spend so much time looking for acceptable photo locations that it leaves me jealous of big city bloggers who have beauties like this in their backyards! And, on that note, have you seen Eva Chen’s Instagram account of photogenic walls in NYC? I think we need to band together to make one for every state.
Dress: Dee Elle (similar here and here) | Sunglasses: Karen Walker c/o Shopbop (similar for much cheaper) | Bag: Rebecca Minkoff c/o Shopbop (the mint version is on sale) | Sandals: Steve Madden (similar save and splurge) | Bracelets: Hermes, c/o Julie Vos (similar) | Ring: Lulu Frost
linking up with Rachelle, Jenna, and Caryl