Happy 2024! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season and a restorative start to the new year! As with every year, I enjoy thinking ahead about what’s to come, reflecting on changes I’d like to implement, goals I’d like to achieve, and places I’d like visit. “Resolutions” have gotten a bad rap recently with their overly ambitious connotations, so let’s just call this my annual list of goals. That doesn’t seem nearly as daunting!
I never did achieve my 2023 goal of organizing the basement. It’s just such a large, daunting task that feels impossible to get started on. This year, however, is all about getting organized and allowing myself to let go of items that no longer serve a purpose. This extends well beyond the basement, too. Our garage needs some TLC, the kitchen cupboards have miscellaneous food that we need to either consume or toss, and I’m sure there are plenty of things in our closets that could find a new home. I know everyone feels this way at the dawn of a new year, but I finally feel motivated to do something about it. It probably has something to do with aging, too. I turned 40 last year and I don’t need to hold on to things like mugs I had from my first apartment. I want to surround myself with things I truly love or serve a purpose. Things shoved in boxes aren’t exactly doing that.
You know my favorite annual goal is coming back for 2024! There’s nothing on the books yet — just like how Switzerland wasn’t on my travel radar at this time last year — which makes it all the more exciting to daydream about where we’ll find ourselves.
I downloaded the Streaks app to help motivate me into establishing a few key habits in the new year: drink a glass of water before my first cup of coffee in the morning; exercise at least twice per week; read two books a month; and go to the pottery studio once a week. I’ve been successful learning French each day with Duolingo’s reminders (I’m on day 1,007!), so I’m hopeful that Streaks will keep me accountable for the other habits.
We renovated our bathrooms in 2022, so last year wasn’t ambitious on the home-project front as we sought to beef up our home savings account again. Instead, we worked on refreshing our bedroom by way of a new bed, new lamps, and new paint. While I still need to select and hang curtains, the bedroom has become a room that I really enjoy and it feels so much more adultlike! This year, I’d like to make progress in either our office or guest room (maybe both!) as the rooms have become uninspiring dumping grounds for clutter. I’d also like to start a mood board for the sunroom and — possibly — get quotes on the project so we can start planning what’s feasible in the space to add more livable square footage to our home. I feel like this won’t be anywhere near as extensive as the bathroom renovations were, so my guess is that the price tag won’t be astronomical. I guess we’ll find out!
Let’s keep in touch!
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