As I shared with you last week (along with a roundup of taper holders I love), I’m a huge fan of candlesticks. However, not all candlesticks fit nicely into a taper holder. For the holders with openings that are too large, there’s an adhesive for candles so they don’t wobble. When the opposite is true: there’s the candle shaver. It acts just like a pencil sharpener, whittling down the end until it fits nicely into the opening.
Honestly, I didn’t know this gadget existed until earlier this year when I was struggling to fit a candle into my new — and extremely delicate — holder from CB2. Scraping down the sides of the candle with a knife was working, but it wasn’t as efficient as I’d like. Then, I remembered an offhand comment in Jenna Lyon’s recent show about a candle shaver and took to the internet to buy one of my own. There are plastic versions (here and here), but I opted for a metal one I bought directly from the manufacturer for just $8.20 after shipping. It is well worth it to avoid forcing a candle into a holder and risking breakage — of either the holder or the candle itself.

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